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Gift Outside the Box this Holiday Season Elevate Uplifters

Get ready 2022 – this year we renew ourselves as we heal, love, and nurture the best parts of who we are. The gift of uplifting one’s emotional state and outlook on life starts with this 18-track guided visualization album of Uplifters.

Elevate Uplifters

Uplifters are guided visualizations specifically designed to take you through each of the seven main chakra (energy) centers and help create alignment within yourself. Each guided visualization is followed by the instrumental track giving the listener the opportunity to dive deeper into the beauty of their imagination. The instrumental songs are electronic based and infused with light natural sounds for an active yet soothing journey into your own private vision. Each scripted journey and song are made with the intention to bring clarity and peace to your life. The album has 18 tracks!

Uplifters clear the mind of negative thought and nurture visualizations of positive outcomes in life that uplift the heart. These guided visualizations create a pathway to healing, understanding, acceptance, compassion, and empathy, all starting within one’s own life and then extending to those around you. This transition into a New year is an opportunity to blend Elevate Uplifters into your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.

Our lifestyle choices directly impact our mental health. Our lives more than ever these past two years may have been filled with stress, over consumption of unhealthy food and drink, lack of sleep, toxic individuals, and the feeling of not having enough time. With the addition of limited movement and negative thought patterns, it can feel like there's no way out of this dark cave. So, the question is, “How do I change it?”

How Do I Change It?

It is quite simple… start your day off in positive thought. Deepak Chopra, one of my favorite experts in the field of mind-body healing, states, “Thinking happy thoughts literally creates a positive chemical change in the brain which stimulates both positive physical and psychological benefits.” Follow these easy steps to ensure you are steering your world in a direction that will yield a life of peace, love, joy, and understanding.

  1. Listen to one Uplifter in the morning. It is important to start your day with a positive tone. Take note of the top 3 visualizations you had during the Uplifter.
  2. During your day read one note every couple of hours. When you find your mind wandering off, think of the first note, give yourself 30-60 seconds to feel positive in the thought. Then smile and return back to work or whatever it is you were doing.
  3. Listen to the instrumental track of that same Uplifter mid-day or evening. Recreate the vision from your morning session without the assistance of my voice.
  4. Share your experience with a friend or family member or journal your Uplifter before bed.

You are the author of how you want to be with yourself and others. Take action in your creation of Self and start your mornings with an Uplifter. Instead of letting your mind wander into places that do not serve your ability to be happy, gift yourself or someone you know with this beautiful 18 track album that will guide you towards living your best life.

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