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5 Self-Confidence Building Activities for Children

We take pride in helping families, teachers and caregivers to build self-confidence in the children they care for. As we all know, a sense of self-esteem can have significant and long-lasting effects. By fostering self-esteem and resilience in our children, we are giving them the skills they need to achieve their individual potentials. 

Here, we share more fun activities to help your child be comfortable and proud of who they are!

Invent a New Recipe

Self-Confidence Skill: Learning from mistakes

What's your child's favorite dish? A slice of cake, a bowl of pasta or salad, or maybe a sandwich? In this activity, choose their favorite recipe and tell them that it's time to invent their own version of it! Have them write down their "dream" ingredient list for their dish, and have fun picking out the ingredients together at your local store. Once home, let them take the lead! Of course, you'll want to supervise this "Top Chef" endeavour, but so long as things are progressing safely, try not to interfere. Will they like the final product? If not, ask them: "What would you do differently next time?" Have them jot down a few notes and save them in a special place to revisit. Take out the notes when you try this activity again, and watch your child perfect their recipe while learning that mistakes are natural on their way to success!

Teach Positive Self Talk

Self confidence skill: Learning to address themselves in a positive, assuring way

Big soccer game coming up? Or maybe their first time at a sleepover, or giving a class presentation? Before the big event, take 5 minutes with your child and have them say aloud the qualities that they like most about themselves, and/or what they are looking forward to about this special event. Remind them that those qualities in themselves will still be there, no matter if they win or lose, get shy or scared, or anything else that may pose to be a hurdle as they navigate what's ahead. Having them focus on what excites them about an activity will help them focus on positive outcomes, instead of defeat.

Join Them As They Play --Let them Choose The Activity!

Self confidence skill: Understanding they are worthy of your time

The only thing you need to do for this activity is carve out some time and let your child be your guide! Ask them what they would like to do for playtime, and join in on the fun. The important thing here is to let them lead the way. Have them tell you the rules they play by, and ask questions about their game or activity as you go along.

Create a "Feel Good" Notebook

Self confidence skill: The ability to focus on positive experiences and learn they all matter, no matter how big or small

Give your child a new, blank notebook and invite them to decorate it however they please. Stickers, glitter, doodles, whatever makes them feel like this notebook is "theirs" and theirs only. Every night (or, if that's too much --once a week), have them spend a few minutes writing down 3-5 good things that happened that day or week. These don't need to be big things! They can be as simple as "I found a lucky penny" or "I made my friend laugh." If they like to draw their experiences instead of writing down statements, that's fine too! This isn't meant to be a private diary (at least not until they get older!). These notes are meant to be shared with you so you can share in their happiness and learn about what brings them joy, just as much as they are learning about themselves at the same time.

Self Esteem Portraits

Self confidence skill: Understanding of what makes them unique 

This one is actually a great partner or group activity, to do with either a sibling or a group of their friends! Get out the paint (or crayons, markers, etc) and have them create portraits of themselves. Once they dry, sit in a circle or across from each other and have them exchange self portraits with each other. As they receive one another's portraits, instruct them to write words of encouragement, characteristics, and other things they like most about their friends or siblings. You can also supply them with a stack of magazines or newspapers to look for positive words or phrases that make them think of their friends, and cut them out to paste around the portrait. At the end, the original "artist" will have a keepsake that reflects all the things their friends and/or family loves about them. They can turn to these works of art for support and reassurance in moments of uncertainty forevermore. 

Do you have your own self-confidence building activities you like to use in your home or classroom?

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